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Review Us

Dear Patient:


We are going to cut to the chase: we could use some help. These days, Google reviews are the bloodline of any business, let alone a small one like ours.


We hope you were satisfied with your visit to Point of Care Acupuncture and Electromedicine. Spread good Qi, let others know about your experience.

Person typing on a computer
QR code for Google review

Here are the suggested steps:

  1. Search for "Point of Cure Acupuncture in St. Pete" on Google.

  2. Click “Write a review” button.


Alternatively, you can leave a review by scanning the QR code or clicking the red botton above.


Obviously, what you write is totally up to you. We respect your honest opinion: no praise is due if you have not benefitted from acupuncture. We do ask you to be fair, though: if you are not satisfied with something, please speak to us first (you can email or even text us). Chances are, we can find a workable solution.


Finally, even if you don't have time to recommend us, we would still like to thank you for giving acupuncture a try. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us in the future!


Stay healthy,


Point of Cure Acupuncture & Electromedicine

a project of Salud Medical and Consulting LLC



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